
Which Colored Contact Lens Brand is the Most Popular?

colored contact


In today’s day and age, altering your appearance has become a desired trait for many. Possessing the same eye color day in and day out can be tiresome, and unappealing-we can change up our clothes, style, and even our hair color, so why can’t we alter our eyes as well? Thankfully we can! Now more than ever there are incredible colored contact lenses on the market that can transform the iris no matter how dark the pigmentation. Even the darkest of browns can get a dazzling new look. If you are a newbie to the world of eye color alteration, knowing which brand of lenses to choose from can be a difficult task. There are so many popular brands, but which one is the best? Look no further, below is a simple guide to colored contacts for brown eyes, and information about a popular brand…Solotica (we cannot recommend this marvelous brand enough). 

Which colored contact lenses are natural looking for brown eyes?

Eyes are beautiful and alluring, and present themselves in many different sizes, shapes, and colors. Brown is the most dominant of these with an amazing 70% of people on the planet possessing them! Fascinatingly, they have the highest level of the pigment melanin in the iris, and this high level helps to protect the eye from the sun’s strong rays. Researchers believe that the popularity of brown eyes has occurred through environmental adaption-they have been passed down from our first ancestors who had brown due to their hot climate. Switch back to today’s world and altering that common brown pigmentation is the norm. Most colored contacts are designed with brown eyes in mind due to the breadth of people that have them. Brown eyes tend to be rich, and some may presume that dark-colored eyes are impossible to cover…well prepare yourself. They can! Don’t believe the speculation, even the darkest of eyes can be covered. Just opt for opaque lenses to ensure perfect coverage. A slightly translucent lens may not make an incredible difference and only lighten the eye to a slight degree. We recommend light blue and light green lenses. These are perfect! The bright colors will lift the dark hold and make the eyes sparkly with the essence of the sea on a beautiful summer’s day. Green contacts will always look natural on any brown eye since most green lenses have specks of yellow and brown in them. Gray is the most desired lens to wear with brown eyes. The shade is light enough to cover the indulgent display, and for a bonus, gray also match all skin colors and hair tones. The ultimate color!

What colored contacts should you get?

Knowing which colored contacts to purchase is always dependent on 3 things: your original eye color, skin tone, and above all, personal preference. People with lighter, fair skin tones are the lucky ones as most colors will work against their complexion (totally jealous). Shades of blue and green will look particularly flattering as they echo the cool tones of the skin. Tanned skin tones are trickier to match, but we advise that the color glows against the complexion so opt for hazel, green, honey, and greys-earthy tones that compliment the caramel skin tones. Darker complexions again suit earthy colorations, and we suggest going for warm and smoky tones that compliment the skin, even a deep gray will work wonders! Hair color is another factor to consider. Blonde hair and blue eyes are a winning combination. Blonde hair is the perfect backdrop for bright eyes as the light pigmentation of the iris will appear striking against the light backdrop. For those with red hair, green is the ideal shade! The orangey tones will blend effortlessly with the green and will create a beautiful contrast. Brown-haired people are again, lucky, as this feature will look great with most colors. We suggest opting for a lighter (or darker) shade of brown than your hair to ensure the iris stands out. If you are stuck on which brand to choose from to match your skin and hair color, we will always choose Solotica!

How long do color contacts from Solotica last?

As you know, Solotica is our favourite colored contact brand for natural lenses. Their range is available to purchase on their easily accessible website. Originating from Brazil in 1949, Solotica has exquisite collections, all including naturally pigmented colors with incredible color opacity to ensure even the darkest of brown eyes can be covered. The amazing brand provides yearly, quarterly, monthly, or daily lenses so there are plenty of options to suit everyone’s required needs. On top of their cosmetic lenses, they also provide lenses with prescriptions ranging from -10.00-+5.00 AND toric lenses for astigmatism. The perfect brand for all eye sights. Both the cosmetic and prescription lenses can last up to 12 months too if you opt for Hidrocor or Natural Colors, just remember to maintain a healthy cleaning regime. This part can become tedious, but it is a necessity to ensure the contacts last. The lenses require a soft lens or multipurpose lens solution, with Solotica themselves advising you not to use solutions containing hydrogen peroxide as this ingredient can damage the contacts. Make sure the solution is changed after each use.

It is exciting to live in a world where you can alter your eye color at the drop of a hat. Having the ability to personalise your own experience is empowering, and we hope the above has helped to outline the best natural colored contacts as well as which colors look best with brown eyes, different skin types, and different hair colors. Solotica is everyone’s top pick right now and we agree with the hype. Try them for yourself, you won’t look back. 


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