
The Importance Of Digital Product Design: Short Guide

Digital Product Design

With the spread of the online world and due to lifestyle changes, the value of digital products and services has increased. More and more people are using them.

Of course, with this, competition is intensifying and online businesses are finding increasingly difficult work. Continuous product improvements and increased marketing activity, hearing these are sure to give you the creeps.

But how about saying that there is a process that contributes greatly to your success and it’s much simpler than redesigning a marketing strategy?

Indeed, there is such a thing, namely the development of digital product design. Let’s see why it is of paramount importance.

What is digital product design?

Many people confuse or combine product design with digital product design. Don’t make that mistake since the two processes and the items are completely different.

When creating a digital product, your goal is to tailor your product to the needs of your customers and your target audience. This will allow you to provide the best service for your target group, which will certainly increase your conversion rate too.

You’ve probably got your head up to this, but it’s not over yet. The design process can also increase:

  • The trust
  • The number of return purchases
  • The number of organically acquired potential buyers
  • The quality of your product

Yes, you think well. The digital product design process is not just about giving your software a new, engaging image, it’s also about developing it. You can add new features, perhaps upgrade the existing ones, or just create a more transparent interface for a better user experience.

Yes, it’s a difficult and complex process, but you don’t have to worry because we have some advice for you to start your process.

The design process

At the beginning of the process think about what your goal is. Do measurements on your digital product. With these few steps, you’ll know what should you optimize.

The point is that, aggregate the data. Look at the factors or elements you should improve based on the analytics. If you accept a tip from us, it is useful to use heatmaps for measurement.

Heatmaps show perfectly how your users use your goods. This is extremely valuable data if your goal is to design your digital goods.

The advantage of heatmaps is that they are data visualization tools. There is no need for huge databases, everything is visually displayed in front of you.

During the heatmap analysis, examine the individual features of your product, the subpages, or just the areas of each feature section. Warm colors will indicate popular, frequently used areas, and cool colors will indicate less popular ones.

There are several types of heatmaps:

  • Click heatmaps
  • Segment heatmaps
  • Scroll heatmaps

If you want to optimize your online product, we strongly recommend that you use click heatmaps.

These types of heatmaps help you examine how your product is used by your users. It also provides valuable information about the user experience or the structure.

Never forget your product

Secondly, think of your own item. What is your product? You may be trying to sell software, a web analytics tool, such as heatmaps, or even an online service.

Your online service is completely different from the goods available in a traditional store, such as a watch or a T-shirt. We say this for several reasons:

  • Due to the nature of the product
  • Due to the use of the goods
  • And because of psychological factors

You have to clarify these at the beginning, as these will be the foundation of the process.

Now you know what you need to change. If you get the result from heatmaps that, for example, one of the interfaces in your software is not used at all, you need to improve it.

It is very important that this progress be continuous. You need to repeat the process at regular intervals.

Alternatively, you can simply delete functions that do not perform well from the software. True, we do not recommend this, as you certainly have customers who use only that one feature and if you delete it you could lose them.

Rather, we recommend that you continue to improve the features that heatmaps have designated as less visited. Add extras, or compare with other subpages.

This is necessary because in this way you can continuously provide the greatest user experience and your customers will think their opinion is important to you. Building trust and a perfect product. Sounds good right?

Mistakes you have to avoid

 There are a few things you need to consider throughout the process:

  • Don’t break away from your usual look
  • Pay attention to the original function of your service

The people who bought your service already know you. They know what colors you use or what motifs characterize you. They think of you as they see these elements.

They bought your item because they have a problem. This problem probably still exists and you need to fix it.

When you start the progress, you need to make sure that these “traditional” elements are retained. For you, loyal customers are the most important. These customers love you and your product because of these “traditional” things. 

In addition, it is also very important that new customers connect you to these items and get to know you based on them.


As you can see, digital product designing is a very complex area. You have to pay attention to a lot of things, but believe us it’s worth it.

The importance of heatmaps is unquestionable in this process, so never miss this step. This is the only way you can enhance your user experience, make your service transparent, and improve it.

If you invest enough time in the process, you will always be able to provide the greatest experience for your customers, which is the most rewarding thing in the long run.

We hope we can help.

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