
Shayari for Beautiful Girl (Beautiful Shayari) in Hindi and English: Expressing Beauty Through Words

Shayari for Beautiful Girl (Beautiful Shayari) in Hindi and English


Shayari for Beautiful Girl (Beautiful Shayari) in Hindi and English

Beautiful Shayari, or Shayari for Beautiful Girls, is a genre of poetry that captures the essence of beauty, grace, and charm. Whether you’re looking to woo someone special or simply appreciate the beauty around you, Shayari offers a sublime way to convey your feelings. Let’s dive into this world of poetic expression.

Shayari for Beautiful Girl in Hindi

तेरी आँखों की मग़र ये तस्वीर याद रहेगी,
दिल की धड़कनों में तेरा नाम बसा रहेगी।
तेरी मुस्कराहट बेहद हसीं है,
तू है मेरे ख्वाबों की महक और रौशनी।
जब से तुझसे मिला हूँ,
हर पल तेरी यादों में खो गया हूँ।
तू है वो खुशबू जो फूलों में बिखरी है,
तेरी हँसी का जादू जो दिलों में बसा है।
तेरी हर मुस्कराहट रातों को रोशन कर देती है,
तू है मेरे दिल की धड़कन, मेरे ख्वाबों की साथी।
तुझसे मिलकर लगता है जैसे जन्नत में हूँ,
तू है मेरी दुनिया का सबसे हसीं तारा।
तेरी आँखों की गहराइयों में कुछ खो जाना है,
तू है मेरी ज़िंदगी की सबसे ख़ास मिष्टी।
तू है मेरी दुनिया की सबसे ख़ूबसूरत कहानी,
तेरी यादों में डूबकर हो जाता हूँ मैं यहाँ।
तेरे होने से ही मेरा जीवन हुआ रंगीन,
तू है मेरे सपनों की सबसे मीठी मिष्टी।
तू है मेरे दिल की सबसे हसीं मनजिल,
तेरी हँसी में छुपा है मेरा पूरा सफर।
उदास नही होना क्योकि मैं साथ हूँ,
सामने न सही पर आस पास हूँ,
पलकों को बंद कर जब भी दिल में देखोगे,
मैं हर पल तुम्हारे साथ हूँ..!!
जाती नही आँखों से सूरत आपकी,
जाती नही दिल से मोहब्बत आपकी,
महसूस ये होता हैं जीने के लिए,
पहले से ज्यादा जरूरत हैं आपकी..!!
परछाई आपकी हमारे दिल में हैं,
यादेँ आपकी हमारी आँखों में हैं,
कैसे भुलाए हम आपको,
प्यार आपका हमारी साँसों में हैं..!!
हमेँ कँहा मालूम था क़ि इश्क़ होता क्या है,
बस एक तुम मिले और ज़िन्दगी मुहब्बत बन गई..!!
ये दिल भुलाता नहीं है मोहब्बतें उसकी,Shayari for Beautiful Girl (Beautiful Shayari) in Hindi and English

Shayari for Beautiful Girl in English

Your eyes’ image will be etched in my memory,
Your name will reside in the beats of my heart.
Your smile is incredibly beautiful,
You are the fragrance and light of my dreams.
Since I met you,
I’ve been lost in your memories every moment.
You are the fragrance scattered in flowers,
The magic of your smile resides in hearts.
Your every smile lights up the nights,
You are the heartbeat of my heart, my dream’s companion.
Meeting you feels like being in paradise,
You are the most beautiful star in my world.
I want to get lost in the depths of your eyes,
You are the sweetest candy of my life.
You are the most beautiful story of my world,
I immerse myself in your memories here.
My life became colorful because of you,
You are the sweetest treat of my dreams.
You are the most beautiful destination of my heart,
My entire journey is hidden in your laughter.
Don’t be sad because I am with you,
If not in front, then I am nearby.
Whenever you close your eyelids and look into your heart,
I am with you every moment..!!
Your face does not leave my eyes,
Your love does not go away from my heart,
This is what it feels like to live,
Need you more than ever..!!
Your shadow is in our hearts,
Your memories are in our eyes,
How can we forget you,
Your love is in our breath..!!
How did we know what love was?
Just met you and life became love..!!
This heart does not forget its loves,
I had become so addicted to him,
This entire journey of mine was spent in its fragrance,
She used to show me the path..!!
I don’t know why after looking at you,
My heart beats faster..!!
If there is loyalty in the eyes then the curtain of the heart is enough,
Otherwise, there are signals of love even through the mask..!!
You would have been the moon and the star,
We would have a home in the sky,
People used to look at you from a distance,
And we would have the right to just stay close..!!
We have seen the fun in waiting,
I have seen the effect of love in love,
What people look for in temples and mosques,
I have seen that God in you..!!
I want to get lost in your eyes,
Today I want to sleep with you in my arms,
I broke all limits today,
I want to make you mine..!!
These pleasant moments may or may not happen with you,
The same thing may or may not happen tomorrow or today.
Love for you will always be in my heart,
Whether we meet for the rest of our lives or not..!!
Your intoxicating eyes broke the system of my heart,
Ever since you told me I love you,
Since then I have stopped reading and writing..!!
I wish you feel the cold of love in the winter season,
And you yearning for me like a blanket..!!
Her love pulls me,
Otherwise I have met him many times, this is the last time..!!
I love you in my heart,
Expressing love silently,
Despite knowing this, you are not in my destiny,
But we try again and again to get it..!!
Don’t test our desires like this,
Please tell me why you are angry.
If there is any problem,
Don’t punish me by not remembering me like this..!!
There are many faces to meet in the world,
But we couldn’t even love ourselves like you..!!
There is only one principle of my infinite love,
Whether I meet you or not, you are accepted in every situation..!!
Hide me with your breaths,
If anyone asks, tell them this is my life..!!
Keep everyone after me,
You are mine, remember this..!!
For first love, whoever the heart desires,
Whether we get him or not, he always rules our hearts..!!
I don’t want to be the story of your love.
If love is true then let me be a part of your life..!!
We got this time with great difficulty, we don’t want to lose it.
Now that I am yours, I don’t want to belong to anyone else..!!
All our prayers have been accepted,
We got our love for you,
Now I don’t want anything in my heart,
Ever since I found your love..!!
If you remember, day will turn into night.
Look at yourself in the mirror, we will talk to you.
Don’t bother to meet us,
Close your eyes and we will meet..!!
I like to trouble you again and again,
It feels good to remain ignorant of everything even after knowing it.
Just keep making declarations of love after declarations,
That’s why it feels good to ignore even after listening..!!
If not you, what will be left in life?
There will be a continuation of loneliness for a long time,
Walk with me at every step my dear,
Otherwise this partner of yours will remain alone..!!
Let me hug your chest and become your wish,
May I become your fragrance by meeting your breath,
There should be no distance between us,
I don’t want to be me, I just become you..!!
Neither did he persuade nor did I try.
Just like this our relationship ended..!!
I don’t know at what point life has come to a halt.
Even if you say something, it is wrong and if you don’t say anything, it is wrong..!!
Relationships continue to be formed, that’s enough,
Everyone kept laughing, that’s enough,
Everyone can’t be together all the time,
Remembering each other is enough..!!
When silent eyes talk,
So this is how love begins,
I remain lost in your thoughts,
Don’t know when it is day and when it is night..!!

पड़ी हुई थी मुझे कितनी आदतें उसकी,
ये मेरा सारा सफर उसकी खुशबू में कटा,
मुझे तो राह दिखाती थी चाहतें उसकी..!!

तुझे देख कर ना जाने क्यों,
मेरे दिल की धड़कन तेज हो जाती है..!!
आँखों में वफा हो तो पर्दा दिल का ही काफी है,
नहीं तो नक़ाब से भी होते हैं इशारे मोहब्बत के..!!
तू चाँद मैं सितारा होता,
आसमान में एक आशिया हमारा होता,
लोग तुझे दूर से देखा करते,
और सिर्फ पास रहने का हक हमारा होता..!!
मजा तो हमने इंतजार में देखा है,
चाहत का असर प्यार में देखा है,
लोग ढूंढ़ते हैं जिसे मंदिर मस्जिद में,
उस खुदा को मैने आपमें देखा है..!!
आखों की गहराई में तेरी खो जाना चाहता हूँ,
आज तुझे बाँहों में लेकर सो जाना चाहता हूँ,
तोड़ कर हदे मैं आज सारी,
तुझे अपना बना लेना चाहता हूँ..!!
लम्हे ये सुहाने साथ हो न हो,
कल में आज ऐसी बात हो न हो,
आपसे प्यार हमेशा दिल में रहेगा,
चाहे पूरी उम्र मुलाकात हो न हो..!!
तुम्हारी मदहोश आँखों ने मेरे दिल का सिस्टम ही तोड़ दिया,
जब से तुमने आई लव यू है कहा मुझे,
मैंने तब से पढ़ना लिखना ही छोड़ दिया..!!
काश तुझे सर्दी के मौसम मे लगे मोहब्बत की ठंड,
और तु तड़प के मांगे मुझे कंबल की तरह..!!
खींच लेती है मुझे उसकी मोहब्बत,
वरना मै बहुत बार मिली हूँ आखरी बार उससे..!!
दिल ही दिल में तुम्हें प्यार करते हैं,
चुप चाप मोहब्बत का इजहार करते हैं,
ये जानते हुए भी आप मेरी किस्मत में नहीं,
पर पाने की कोशिश बार-बार करते है..!!
इस कदर हमारी चाहत का इम्तिहान मत लीजिए,
क्यों हो खफ़ा ये बयां तो कीजिये,
अगर हो गई है कोई खता तो,
यूं याद न करके सज़ा तो ना दीजिये..!!
मिलने को तो दुनिया में कई चेहरे मिले,
पर तुम सी मोहब्बत हम खुद से भी न कर पाए..!!
मेरी बेपनाह मोहब्बत का एक ही उसूल है,
मिले या ना मिले तू हर हाल में क़ुबूल है..!!
छुपा लो मुझे अपने साँसों के दरमियाँ,
कोई पूछे तो कह देना जिंदगी है मेरी..!!
सब को मेरे बाद रखिये,
आप मेरे है ये बात याद रखिये..!!
पहले प्यार के लिए दिल जिसे चाहता है,
वो हमे मिले या ना मिले दिल पे राज हमेशा उसी का होता है..!!
तेरे प्यार का किस्सा नहीं बनना मुझे,
अगर प्यार है सच्चा तो तेरी ज़िन्दगी का हिस्सा बना मुझे..!!
बड़े मुश्किल से मिले है ए वक़्त इन्हें खोना नहीं चाहते,
अब जो तुम्हारे हो चुके हूं में और किसी की होना नहीं चाहता..!!
कबूल हो गई हर दुआ हमारी,
मिल जो गई हमें चाहत तुम्हारी,
अब नही चाहत है दिल में हमारे कुछ,
जब से मिल गई है मोहब्बत तुम्हारी..!!
याद करेंगे तो दिन से रात हो जायेगी,
आईने में देखिये खुद को हमसे बात हो जायेगी,
शिकवा न करीये हमसे मिलने का,
आँखे बंद करीये मुलाकात हो जायेगी..!!
बार बार तुम को परेशान करना अच्छा लगता हैं,
जान कर भी हर बात से अनजान बनना अच्छा लगता हैं,
बस करते रहो आप प्यार का इकरार पे इकरार,
इसलिए सुन के भी अनसुना कर देना अच्छा लगता हैं..!!
आप नही तो जिन्दगी में क्या रह जाएगा,
दूर तक तनहाइयों का सिलसिला रह जाएगा,
हर कदम पर साथ चलना पिया मेरे ,
वरना आपका ये हमसफ़र अकेला रह जाएगा..!!
तेरे सीने से लगकर तेरी आरजू बन जाऊं,
तेरी साँसों से मिलकर तेरी ख़ुशबू बन जाऊं,
फ़ासले ना रहे हम दोनों के दरमियाँ कोई,
मैं मैं ना रहूँ बस तुम बन जाऊं..!!
ना उसने मनाया ना मैंने कोशिश किया,
बस इसी तरहा हमारे रिश्ते ख़तम हो गए..!!
ना जाने किस मोड़ पर आकर रुक गई है जिंदगी,
कुछ बोलो तो भी गलत और ना बोलू तो भी गलत..!!
रिश्ते बनते रहे इतना ही बहुत हैं,
सब हँसते रहे इतना ही बहुत हैं,
हर कोई हर वक्त साथ नही रह सकता,
याद एक दुसरे को करते रहे इतना ही बहुत हैं..!!
जब खामोश आँखों से बात होती है,
तो ऐसे ही मोहब्बत की शुरुआत होती है,
तेरे ही ख्यालों में खोये रहते हैं,
न जाने कब दिन और कब रात होती है..!!

Shayari for Beautiful Girl in English

Your eyes’ image will be etched in my memory,
Your name will reside in the beats of my heart.
Your smile is incredibly beautiful,
You are the fragrance and light of my dreams.
Since I met you,
I’ve been lost in your memories every moment.
You are the fragrance scattered in flowers,
The magic of your smile resides in hearts.
Your every smile lights up the nights,
You are the heartbeat of my heart, my dream’s companion.
Meeting you feels like being in paradise,
You are the most beautiful star in my world.
I want to get lost in the depths of your eyes,
You are the sweetest candy of my life.
You are the most beautiful story of my world,
I immerse myself in your memories here.
My life became colorful because of you,
You are the sweetest treat of my dreams.
You are the most beautiful destination of my heart,
My entire journey is hidden in your laughter.
Don’t be sad because I am with you,
If not in front, then I am nearby.
Whenever you close your eyelids and look into your heart,
I am with you every moment..!!
Your face does not leave my eyes,
Your love does not go away from my heart,
This is what it feels like to live,
Need you more than ever..!!
Your shadow is in our hearts,
Your memories are in our eyes,
How can we forget you,
Your love is in our breath..!!
How did we know what love was?
Just met you and life became love..!!
This heart does not forget its loves,
I had become so addicted to him,
This entire journey of mine was spent in its fragrance,
She used to show me the path..!!
I don’t know why after looking at you,
My heart beats faster..!!
If there is loyalty in the eyes then the curtain of the heart is enough,
Otherwise, there are signals of love even through the mask..!!
You would have been the moon and the star,
We would have a home in the sky,
People used to look at you from a distance,
And we would have the right to just stay close..!!
We have seen the fun in waiting,
I have seen the effect of love in love,
What people look for in temples and mosques,
I have seen that God in you..!!
I want to get lost in your eyes,
Today I want to sleep with you in my arms,
I broke all limits today,
I want to make you mine..!!
These pleasant moments may or may not happen with you,
The same thing may or may not happen tomorrow or today.
Love for you will always be in my heart,
Whether we meet for the rest of our lives or not..!!
Your intoxicating eyes broke the system of my heart,
Ever since you told me I love you,
Since then I have stopped reading and writing..!!
I wish you feel the cold of love in the winter season,
And you yearning for me like a blanket..!!
Her love pulls me,
Otherwise I have met him many times, this is the last time..!!
I love you in my heart,
Expressing love silently,
Despite knowing this, you are not in my destiny,
But we try again and again to get it..!!
Don’t test our desires like this,
Please tell me why you are angry.
If there is any problem,
Don’t punish me by not remembering me like this..!!
There are many faces to meet in the world,
But we couldn’t even love ourselves like you..!!
There is only one principle of my infinite love,
Whether I meet you or not, you are accepted in every situation..!!
Hide me with your breaths,
If anyone asks, tell them this is my life..!!
Keep everyone after me,
You are mine, remember this..!!
For first love, whoever the heart desires,
Whether we get him or not, he always rules our hearts..!!
I don’t want to be the story of your love.
If love is true then let me be a part of your life..!!
We got this time with great difficulty, we don’t want to lose it.
Now that I am yours, I don’t want to belong to anyone else..!!
All our prayers have been accepted,
We got our love for you,
Now I don’t want anything in my heart,
Ever since I found your love..!!
If you remember, day will turn into night.
Look at yourself in the mirror, we will talk to you.
Don’t bother to meet us,
Close your eyes and we will meet..!!
I like to trouble you again and again,
It feels good to remain ignorant of everything even after knowing it.
Just keep making declarations of love after declarations,
That’s why it feels good to ignore even after listening..!!
If not you, what will be left in life?
There will be a continuation of loneliness for a long time,
Walk with me at every step my dear,
Otherwise this partner of yours will remain alone..!!
Let me hug your chest and become your wish,
May I become your fragrance by meeting your breath,
There should be no distance between us,
I don’t want to be me, I just become you..!!
Neither did he persuade nor did I try.
Just like this our relationship ended..!!
I don’t know at what point life has come to a halt.
Even if you say something, it is wrong and if you don’t say anything, it is wrong..!!
Relationships continue to be formed, that’s enough,
Everyone kept laughing, that’s enough,
Everyone can’t be together all the time,
Remembering each other is enough..!!
When silent eyes talk,
So this is how love begins,
I remain lost in your thoughts,
Don’t know when it is day and when it is night..!!

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