
Gaining the Required Skills for Passing Microsoft MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals with the Help of Updated Practice Tests

Microsoft MS-900

Building a solid foundational-level skillset is very important for those individuals who want to improve their expertise level in a new field. Thus, if you want to get the skills in working with AZ-500 , Microsoft recommends to start with the Microsoft MS-900 test and pass it. This exam guarantees the certification, which will be proof of your expertise and your preparedness for more difficult tasks.

What is Microsoft MS-900?

Microsoft MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals is the only exam from the foundational-level path, which is intended for those individuals who strive for gaining the foundational-level knowledge and ability to adopt Cloud services, including the general and SaaS Cloud models. Passing this test proves that you are able to differentiate between Microsoft products and services as well as know about the available benefits and options, which are gained by implementing the AZ-303 service offerings.

This 45-minute exam is available in French, Korean, Japanese, English, German, Chinese (Simplified), and Spanish. There will be about 40-60 questions to deal with and they will be available in various formats. The registration process requires that you pay $99 and schedule the test via MD-100 or Certiport.

What is the required skillset for Microsoft MS-900?

To be able to pass the test and perform the processes covered in it, an individual should learn all the skills that any of the preparation resources will provide you with. Thus, you need to gain the following knowledge and know how to use it:

  • Explanation of the unified endpoint concepts of management This topic includes your understanding of BYOD, Microsoft Endpoint Manager, device and app management, as well as Microsoft Intune & System Center;
  • Identification of the licensing options   It is important to know about the available licensing and management options and additional capabilities if the customers purchase MS-100 , Azure AD P2, or Azure AD Free;
  • Getting familiar with the options required for the deployment and supporting processes for Windows or Office A potential candidate has to know about the capabilities of Windows Virtual Desktop, deployment & servicing methods for Microsoft 365 apps, and deployment & release models for WaaS;
  • Understanding of different types of the available Cloud services This module includes your knowledge of PaaS & IaaS offerings, Cloud-based productivity solutions, as well as Microsoft Azure & Dynamics 365 and where they fit;
  • Explanation of the zero-trust principles of security – This domain requires your understanding of key security pillars of the protection and identification of key components needed to be protected.

There are a lot more skills that you will learn, so explore the exam blueprint from the certification webpage in detail to see the full list.


The more skills you gain, the better your result in the test and the better your chances of getting certified. If you deal with the MS-900 and get the passing score, you will be a step closer to becoming an expert in the field. So, prepare with great deliberation, be sure to cover all the topics, and clear the test on your first try!

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